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Join Us

There are three ways that you can follow to join this curated and growing project:

1) sign up  2) Become a contributor  3) suggest a change.

1) Please complete the form on this page to create a free account for the Chinese Toponyms Database (CTD) project. In this way you can use this database freely and quickly.

2) If you want to add your records, you can become a voluntary contributor by creating a free account with the project, gaining access to the database’s unique data-entry system. To become a contributor, please create a general account on JOIN US and provide your general information. Approval for a contributor account may take 48 hours. In the interim, you may submit records via email, as indicated below. After the approval, you will receive some instructions about how insert your contribution in the database. In this way you will be able to add new records (including toponyms, identification hypotheses, lexical notes, new translations, works, references, names of plants and animals, and so on), but you could not change the entries already entered by other contributors.

3) You can email your records and your suggestions to modify entries to the project’s editors for approval and upload using the following form.

If you wish to learn more or if you have any questions, please contact the project’s editors at or